Under 25 age. Forty three entered their work. In the final judging twelve ambitious new artists who show exceptional promise as choreographers will present their challenging work on the stage
2.4 THU 19:30
2.5 FRI 19:30
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1 2nd Floor Space
2.4 THU 19:30
Naoyuki SAKAI “Counter-Earth”
Nanako SHIBATA “Yell”
Mako EGAMI “Everyone all over the world lives sensitively to his unpleasantness.”
Mizuki KURIYA “Kill me”
Kana SAKATO “in offing”
Kouichiro TAMURA “zoo keeper”
2.5 FRI 19:30
Reisa SHIMOJIMA “Wazze”
Satoru OKITA “Always Flow sometimes Fly sometimes STOP: what is it?”
Haruka WAKUTA / “A song of KATSUDON”
Chiaki KURIHARA “groove”
Shotaro YAMAGUCHI “Conjoined -ONE-”
Yukio SHIBA (Playwright, Director, Founder of the theatre company Mamagoto)
Chie SUMIYOSHI (Art Producer,Writer)
Fumio HAMANO (Senior Editor,Shinshokan Dance Magazine)
Maki MORISHITA (Choreographer,Dancer)
Vivienne SATO (Artist)
Naoyuki SAKAI
Born in Kasukabe. Joined <Co. Yamada Un> in 2013. As well as performing in works by the company, SAKAI has also appeared in works by Makoto ENDA, Maki MORISHITA and Kota KIHARA. Together with Shunya HASHIMOTO, SAKAI performs as the duo <The Premium Waltz>, runners-up in the Condors Choreography Competition. Explores new dance that does not fit into any particular genre.

Born in Shizuoka in 1990. Started rhythmic gymnastics at age eight. Competed in the individual and group categories at the Shizuoka prefectural championships and twice at the national level. Graduated from Obirin University in 2013, where she studied contemporary dance under Kuniko KISANUKI. While still a student, joined the <TABATHA> directed by Yu OKAMOTO. Started performing solo in 2015.
Also works in corporate communication at a personnel services company. Aims to combine dance with her job by working three days a week as a dancing publicist.

“Everyone all over the world lives sensitively to his unpleasantness.”
Started classic ballet and modern dance at age four. Graduated from the theater program at Nihon University College of Art in 2014. At present, EGAMI is a ballet and children’s dance instructor at <903 DANCE STUDIO> directed by Takashi KUMAGAI. She enjoys finding out more about herself through public performance. Finalist at Yokohama Dance Collection EX2015 Competition II.

“Kill me”
Born in 1993. Started classic ballet at age five and contemporary dance at age ten. Graduated with a dance studies major from the Japan Women’s College of Physical Education. Studied modern dance and joined the modern dance club at university. Loves all sports and is always ready to try anything. Since graduating from university, she has explored new dance and created dance works together with Yuuna YASUNO.

“in offing”
Born in Tokyo in 1993. Graduated from Musashino Art University. Started to dance at university. Performs with the <Pygmalion Kouka> and as a soloist.

Kouichiro TAMURA
“zoo keeper”
Born in Niigata in 1992. Started dance in high school because of an interest in street dance. Studies contemporary dance at Kyoto University of Art and Design. Founded <Dance Project Revo> as a student. Active as a performer, choreographer, and dancer. Based in Kyoto, but performs his choreographed works nationwide.

Born in Kagoshima. Graduated from the theater and dance program at Obirin University. Studied contemporary dance under Kuniko KISANUKI at university. Has appeared in works by Kuniko KISANUKI, Naoka UEMURA, Mitsutake KASAI, and Chie ITO. Started creating her own works at university including the “Wazze” series (four works). Directs the dance company <Kedagoro>.

Satoru OKITA
Played basketball until third year of high school, but discovered dance after enrolling at Ehime University. Enjoys working with schools, teaching Yosakoi dance choreography at elementary schools and dance at junior high schools. Appeared in “Hanafubuki” at Odori ni iku ze!!II LOL.5. Finalist at Yokohama Dance Collection EX2015 Competition II.

“A song of Katsudon”
Born in 1990. Started modern dance at age three. Studied under Mio KAKIZAWA and Ako SEKIHARA. Started creative work at Ariake College of Education and the Arts. In addition
to developing the “Tanka de Dance Series” solo piece, which is based on her own tanka poems, WAKUTA also performs with <Tokyo ELECTROCK STAIRS>.

Enrolled at Tokyo Gakugei University. Joined the creative dance club in high school. Studies under Kazuyuki FUTAMI and Chisato TAYASU at <La Danse Compagnie Kaleidoscope>. Belongs to the university modern dance club. Currently conducts dance workshops for all ages from elementary school to the elderly as part of a university research project. Has performed in works choreographed by Maki MORISHITA, Makoto ENDA, and Minako SUZUKI.

Born in 1990. As a child, enjoyed drawing, singing, and busying herself outside. In her teens, she was keen on running and jumping and belonged to a track and field club. Discovered contemporary dance at university and has continued to dance since graduation.

“Conjoined -ONE-”
Born in Kagoshima prefecture in 1991. Graduated from Daito Bunka University. Award for excellence at NEXTSTREAM21 in Rikkoukai 2014, Grand Prix at the Dance Summit in Japan 2014. Has appeared in commercials with choreography by Takahiro UENO and Kaoruco. Works on creating, performing, and choreographing “CITY”, his first solo performance, at <Empty-Kubrick>, his own dance company founded in 2015.

133 applicants from fifteen countries. 9 choreographers who bring fresh, uniquely personal perspectives to creative expression using the body in ways in tune with their times will present their work in the final judging.
2.6 SAT 16:00
2.7 SUN 16:00
Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse No.1, 3F Hall
2.6 SAT 16:00
Aiko OBANA “dissolove”
Junpei HAMADA “Convey”
Haruka WATANABE “Grand Finale”
Cheol In JEONG (Korea) “Free Fall-Discovery of Sisyphus”
Aokid × Takumi HASHIMOTO “free free”
2.7 SUN 16:00
Kaori ITO “Melancholy of square”
Moto TAKAHASHI “SHIRO of Catnap”
Sayuri IIMORI / Yuki NISHIYAMA “Attachment”
Koji OZONO / Noriyasu HASHIMOTO “Stain of universe”
※Chee Lai YEOW / Fung Ing HII (Malaysia) has declined
Shinji ONO (Chief Producer,Yokohama Arts Foundation)
Hiroko SHINDO (Dance Critics)
Junnosuke TADA
(Director of TOKYO DEATHLOCK / Artistic director of cultural centre of Fujimi City)
Fumio HAMANO (Senior Editor, Shinshokan Dance Magazine)
Keizo MAEDA (Producer, Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre)
Diane Josse (Cultural attaché of the French Embassy)
Born in Tokyo. Founder of the dance company "ときかたち(TOKIKATACHI)". Upon graduation from art college, Obana started her career as choreographer and director. Her performances are like abstract paintings with numerous layers of colors. With the use of the space and bodies, Obana intends to draw translucent still images on stage. These accumulated images may evoke the audience to see them as a new complex abstract drawing.
Nominated for the Young Director's Concour 2014 by Japan Directors Association.

Performed at the Artistic Movement in Toyama (2011–14). Awarded the Kita Nippon Shimbunsha Prize and the Toyama Prefecture Governor’s Award (twice). Won prizes for performances at the Za-Koenji Dance Award in 2012, 2014, and 2015. The 2015 work “Convey” has been performed to audiences in Korea as representative of Japan. Finalist at the Yokohama Dance Collection EX Competition II in 2013, 2014.

“Grand Finale”
Began studying modern dance under Kaori OKADA and Chiho SUZUKI at age five. Awarded first prize in the modern dance category at the Yokohama Competition, second prize at the Kobe Dance Competition. Performs with <the Organ Works dance company> directed by HIRAHARA Shintaro since 2014. Studies Body Expression and Cinematic Arts under Professor JUNG Youngdoo at Rikkyo University

Aokid × Takumi HASHIMOTO
“free free”
Started break dancing at 14. Majored in the Film Department at University. While still a student, Aokid created two and three-dimensional art works.. Awarded the Grand Prix at 1_WALL Graphic competition. Has choreographed works for <Tokyo ELECTROCK STAIRS>, Yuriko SUZUKI, and participated in the BONUS Dance Laboratory. Aokid city is an original work.
Created the “Transfoomeisou” improvisation methodology to express the impact of images on humanity. Solo performances include Roppongi Art Night 2013. One of the three members of the <SanZan fundoshi> theater group. Raps under the name of <Nukesaku>.

Cheol In JEONG (Korea)
“Free Fall-Discovery of Sisyphus”
Graduated from Hansung University with both Bachelor's and Master's degree.
Leading dancer of <Bereishit Dance Company> for 7 years and performed “Balance and Imbalance”, “Judo”, “Bow” and more in numerous festivals such as Danze Trayectos
Zaragoza (Spain), tanzmesse (Germany) , Manchester Urban Moves International Dance Festival (UK), Festival Internacional Cervantino (Mexico) and etc.

Kaori ITO
“Melancholy of square”
ITO has directed <Amakioto>, an original dance project based on a concept that asks “Is the body actually an offering?” Her quiet and vivid tableaux address “mitate (allusion)” and gishiki (ritual). Joined <Tokyo Deathlock> in 2015. Broadly active inside and outside the theater.

“SHIRO of Catnap”
Has performed as a member of <Tokyo ELECTROCK STAIRS> in Japan and overseas since 2011. Finalist at the Seoul International Choreography Festival with the solo work “KIBOU ga doutoka” in 2014. Invited to the Rencontres chorégraphiques internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis, and the Fabbrica Europe festival in 2015. Presented “Melancholy of square” at her first public performance as a soloist in September 2015.

Born in Kanagawa prefecture. Has worked with <Co. Yamada Un> since 2010. Has performed as a dancer in works by Ruri MITOH, Shintaro HIRAHARA, Naoya AOKI. Performed a solo work at the Buto Buyo Dance Festival in Akita in 2014. Active in many areas, including collaborations with musicians, photographers, artists.
Studied in New York for one year from December 2009 under the Overseas Study Program for Up-and-Coming Artists funded by the Agency for Cultural Affairs. Has performed as a dancer in works by Motoko HIRAYAMA, Akiko KITAMURA. Shintaro HIRAHARA, Has worked with <Co. Yamada Un> since 2013. 2015 participates in “The cat that lived a million times”, a work by Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company.

“Stain of universe”
OZONO and HASHIMOTO direct <the kaeruP> dance group. Believing that dance is rooted in ordinary life, they create works based on daily life. Awarded the Grand Prix at the first Condors Choreography Competition in 2009. Main works include “The SunII, “Kaitei no yagi”, “Color babar”.

※Chee Lai YEOW / Fung Ing HII (Malaysia) has declined