This is a collaborative new performance by Shikichi Osamu, winner of the French Embassy Award for Young Choreographers at the Yokohama Dance Collection 2020 Competition I, and French-based artist Sehyoung Lee during a three-month stay from June 2021. Consider the magnetic force and the ambiguousness of our bodies. There is a sensual magnetic force that all things have, however small it might be. We are “attracted” to external things as if trying to replenish something that is missing. This piece divides what was once single – like a hula hoop surrounding a body – and invites the audience in between.
Shikichi Osamu & Lee Sehyoung “unisex #01”Dance Cross
- 12.14 [Tue] 19:00
- 12.15 [Wed] 19:00

Shikichi Osamu
Choreographer and dancer. Completed the master’s program at Tokyo University of the Arts.
He pushes x to the limit in order to see the whole picture. Similarly, he purposefully obscures what becomes clear about the body when it reaches a critical state. In such a situation, there is a moment when we find ourselves and our surroundings take on a stronger sense of reality and become almost poetic. This moment is the main theme of his creations. Major works announced include “happy ice-cream” (YDC2020 Comptetion I), “Shivering Mass, Loose Boundary” (TPAM 2020 Fringe / Ginza Tsutaya Bookstore), “blooming dots” (Toyooka Theater Festival 2020 Fringe / CAF Award) 2020) etc..

Lee Sehyoung
Born in 1993 in Seoul, Lee Sehyoung lives and works in Paris. He currently studies at École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Paris. His work focuses on the schematization between the world and himself and also he questions the complementarity that surrounds him. He has appeared as a performer in various woks including “Happening tempête” by Boris Charmatz at Grand palais in Paris (2021) and presented his creation at “Perma-” (sculpture) for group exhibition Plant B curated by Noelia Portela at jardin du directeur Beaux-arts de Paris (2021) and “(Ici)divague” (performance, sculpture and sounds) for graduation show at Beaux-arts de Paris and for group exhibition “No no fest” curated by Thomas Conchou at Maison populaire in Paris (2021).