This is the latest work by Onaya Rion, winner of Outstanding New Artist Prize at the Yokohama Dance Collection 2021 Competition II. “Epicenter,” as in center of an earthquake, is also used to mean the main area in which an infectious decease has accumulation, including the recent pandemic. In light of our current social situation, she focuses on the trigger that causes things to shake, or waver, the feelings of people, and the outline of said things and matters. Onaya has a background in the ballet and has participated in works of Fabian Prioville, Nohmi Kenshi and more. Also pay attention to her amazing physicality, which was described in her previous award-winning work as having “torn through the concept of the piece and destroyed it by itself”.
Onaya Rion
Paloma Hurtado+Daniel Morales
“INA.0”Dance Connection
- 12.18 [Sat] 17:00
- 12.19 [Sun] 17:00
Onaya Rion
- Choreography,Performance:Onoya Rion
- Performance:Kato Rie, Shirai Hikari, Hatanaka Mano
- Residence cooperation:Steep Slope Studio

Onaya Rion
Born in Gunma Prefecture in 1998, she started classical ballet under Seyama Noriko in 2001. After taking workshops and appearing in works by Fabien Prioville and Seyama Azusa she entered university, where she began to create her own works while studying other choreographers, Pina Bausch in particular. From the time she was in school to the present, she has appeared in works by Nomi Kenshi, Kurosu Ikumi, Hara Saori, etc., including pieces by <Tarinof Dance Company> to which she currently belongs.
Graduated from Ochanomizu University Dance Education Course. She won the Yokohama Dance Collection 2021 Outstanding New Artist Prize.
Paloma Hurtado+Daniel Morales
This program is in collaboration MASDANZA, The International Contemporary Dance Festival of The Canary Islands, Spain. Paloma Hurtado and Daniel Morales are both based in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. After working as a dancer, Paloma Hurtado started her own creations in 2012. Daniel Morales began his creative activities in 2014 and won a special prize at 20MASDANZA (2014) and the first prize at the Gdansk Dance Festival International Solo Contest (Poland, 2019). “INA.0” is a work that focuses on the concept of light. It poses questions around the need to return to the source of all things, light, in order to survive in difficult social situations. This work was a finalist at the 26MASDANZA (2021) Competition.
- Choreography,Performance:Paloma Hurtado,Daniel Morales
- Lighting Design:Alfredo Diez

Paloma Hurtado
Born in Malaga. In 2007 she obtained her Intermediate Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Contemporary Dance at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid. She has participated as a dancer in several Dance Competitions, obtaining the Mention of Honour to the Best Dancer at Maspolomas. She made several collaborations as dancer in Andalusia (2001-2004) and in Madrid (2004-2007). Since 2007 she lives in Tenerife and until 2015 she is a member of the dance laboratory Tenerifedanzalab. In 2012 she began to work as an independent dancer and creator. In 2018 she received the Réplica Award for the Best Performer of the Canary Islands for her participation in the piece “Dulces Bestias”. In 2021 she received the Award for Outstanding Performer at the Certamen Distrito de Tetuán.

Daniel Morales
Dancer and choreographer born in Gran Canaria and trained in Urban and Contemporary Dances since 2002. Resident in Tenerife since 2013, he was a member of Tenerife Danza Lab for four years. Since 2017 he has been a dancer with Cocoon Dance Company (Germany), Cía. Nómada (Tenerife) and Colectivo Lamajara (Barcelona). In 2014 he began to create his own shows and has received artistic awards and special mentions at 20MASDANZA, The International Contemporary Dance Festival of The Canary Islands, The Tetuán Choreography Competition (Madrid), Festival HOP (Barcelona) and the International Solo Contest of the Gdansk Dance Festival (Poland), obtaining the second prize in 2017 and the first prize in 2019. Nominated for the Best Dance Performance at the Replica Dance Awards 2020 with his latest show, “El vuelo”.