Started in 1995 as Tokyo Performing Arts Market, TPAM celebrates its 20th holding this year. Since 2011, TPAM has organized diverse showing programs and international meetings on performing arts at cultural facilities in Yokohama that represent the city’s concept of “Creative City.” Artists, festival directors, producers of venues, facilitators, company managers, presenters and all kinds of professionals engaging in creation of contemporary performing arts get together at TPAM to exchange information, discuss issues and build network.
In 2011, TPAM changed what its “M” stood for from “Market” to “Meeting” and defined itself more clearly as a platform for contemporary works and activities. Since then, TPAM has been internationally developing its network and projects as one of the most influential performing arts platforms in Asia. 639 professionals participated in TPAM 2015: 183 from 41 countries and 456 from Japan.
2.6 SAT - 2.14 SUN
Venues: Kanagawa Arts Theatre (KAAT), Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Number 1, BankART Studio NYK, YCC Yokohama Creativecity Center, Kanagawa Kenmin Hall, AMAZON CLUB others
Organizer: Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama 2016 Executive Committee (The Japan Foundation Asia Center / Kanagawa Arts Foundation / Yokohama Arts Foundation / PARC – Japan Center, Pacific Basin Arts Communication)
TPAM Website