The title originates from the story of a 10-year-old boy. One day, he is suddenly forced to move from Niigata to Ehime with his mother. Struck by unknown landscapes, unfamiliar dialects, and homesickness for a distant place and family, the boy dreams of escaping, wishes for wings, and longs to transform into a mythical creature as he cries out and writhes in loneliness. This conflict gives birth to his first dance. This story is said to overlap with Miya’s own past. However, the remarkably precise body control and the exploration of the interaction between voice and body keep the performance from becoming a sentimental memoir. Reminiscing bitter memories digs up energy from ancient layers of time and space that has accumulated in the body, resurrecting it to confront the physicality that exists here and now, manifesting as a dance. A mysterious journey into primordial dance.
Miya Yusuke “Imitation cries of imaginary creature (Alien Blues)”
Paloma Hurtado + Daniel Morales “INA.0”
Dance Connection
- 12.12 [Tue] 19:00
- 12.13 [Wed] 16:00
Miya Yusuke
“Imitation cries of imaginary creature (Alien Blues)”
- Composition, Direction, Choreography, Performance: Miya Yusuke
- Performance: Kitazawa Chiaki, Takahashi Haruka
- Resident support: Toyohashi Arts Theatre PLAT

Miya Yusuke
Miya began dancing in his high school’s dance club in Niigata Prefecture, his hometown, and went on to study dance at the University of Tsukuba and its graduate school. During his studies, he won several student competitions and also performed in works by leading Japanese choreographers such as Kondo Ryohei, Umeda Hiroaki, and Kakizaki Mariko. As a choreographer, he explores dance that uses the body, words, and voice to manifest the “formless energy” of one’s inner self in space and guides the audience toward introspective thinking. In 2022, he choreographed and performed his solo piece “Shape,” which won the Outstanding New Artist Prize in the Competition II (under 25) category at Yokohama Dance Collection. In 2023, he received awards such as the Outstanding Work Award at the SAI DANCE FESTIVAL and was invited to perform and conduct workshops in various locations. In addition to his creative work, he is also involved in improving the dance environment in Japan.
Paloma Hurtado + Daniel Morales
“The matter that makes up the stars is the same as the matter that makes up our bodies. We were all once burning stars.” Morales and Hurtado create a beautiful duet from this romantic contemplation, where eternity and a single moment intertwine. The music is Arvo Pärt’s famous piece “Für Alina.” The costumes and set are extremely simple, and within the quiet changes of lighting, the two exhibit a miraculous synchronicity with astonishing precision and control. Their serene choreography slowly releases the pure radiance hidden within humans, and a rich story unfolds within a minimalistic space. Layering the fragility of human existence and the concept of human bonds over the vast expanse of cosmic time, this dance possesses a unique charm that invites the audience into profound reflections.
- Choreography, Performance: Paloma Hurtado & Daniel Morales
- Music: Arvo Pärt “Für Alina”
- Lighting design: Alfredo Díez
- Subsidy: Embassy of Spain

Paloma Hurtado
Born in Malaga. In 2007 she obtained her Intermediate Degree in Contemporary Dance at the Contemporary Dance at the Real Conservatorio Profesional de Danza de Madrid. She has participated as a dancer in several Dance Competitions, obtaining the Mention of Honour to the Best Dancer at Maspalomas. She made several collaborations as a dancer in Andalusia (2001-2004) and in Madrid (2004-2007). Since 2007 she has lived in Tenerife and until 2015 she is a member of the dance laboratory Tenerifedanzalab. In 2012 she began to work as an independent dancer and creator. In 2018 she received the Réplica Award for the Best Performer of the Canary Islands for her participation in the piece “Dulces Bestias”. In 2021 she received the Award for Outstanding Performer at the Certamen Distrito de Tetuán.

Daniel Morales
Dancer and choreographer born in Gran Canaria and trained in Urban and Contemporary Dances since 2002. Resident in Tenerife since 2013, he was a member of Tenerife Danza Lab for four years. Since 2017 he has been a dancer with Cocoon Dance Company (Germany), Cía. Nómada (Tenerife) and Colectivo Lamajara (Barcelona). In 2014 he began to create his own shows and has received artistic awards and special mentions at 20MASDANZA, the International Contemporary Dance Festival of the Canary Islands, the Tetuán Choreography Competition (Madrid), Festival HOP (Barcelona) and the International Solo Contest of the Gdansk Dance Festival (Poland), obtaining the second prize in 2017 and the first prize in 2019. Nominated for the Best Dance Performance at the Replica Dance Awards 2020 with his latest show, “El vuelo”.