Ella Rothschild “Futuristic Space”(World Premiere)
Opening Program
2019. 1.31 [thu] - 2.3 [sun]
2019. 1.31 [thu] - 2.3 [sun]
2019.2.2 [sat] - 2.3 [sun]
2019.2.7 [thu] – 2.8 [fri]
Performances by the finalist selected based on videos and documentation among entries from 38 new choreographers age 25 or under
2019.2.9 [sat] - 2.10 [sun]
Performance by the finalist selected based on videos and documentation among 208 entries from 35 countries
2019. 2.11 [mon] - 2.17 [sun]
2019. 2.15 [fri] - 2.17 [sun]
2019. 1.31 [thu] - 2.17 [sun]
2019. 2.14 [thu] - 2.17 [sun]
2019. 2.9 [sat] - 2.10 [sun] 14:00
2019. 2.2 [sat]
2019. 2.3 [sun]
2019. 2.16 [sat]